Configuring your builds

When creating a component, Konflux will push a Tekton PipelineRun to your component’s source repository. This pipeline is yours to customize as needed for building your component and Tekton Chains will record the customizations in a detailed signed in-toto provenance attestation. This provenance enables Enterprise Contract to manage compliance to ensure the artifact’s integrity and compliance with specific policies.

Additional resources

  • The sample pipelines that you can initially configure your components with depend on the Konflux deployment. This might include the pipelines provided by Konflux or other additional pipelines.

  • If you want to change the configured pipeline for your component after it is onboarded, see reconfiguring the build pipeline.

  • Since the Tekton PipelineRuns use Pipelines as Code to trigger the jobs on the cluster, you can also use any of the default parameters in the PipelineRuns in your git repositories.